New year, new laws

Jaywalking sign in Simi Valley prior to the new jaywalking law. Starting January 1, the Freedom to Walk Act officially became law, allowing pedestrians in California to jaywalk without fear of a ticket, as long as its safe.

Steven Smith

Jaywalking sign in Simi Valley prior to the new jaywalking law. Starting January 1, the Freedom to Walk Act officially became law, allowing pedestrians in California to jaywalk without fear of a ticket, as long as it’s safe.

As of January 1, new laws have been introduced to the residents of California. Laws have been revised and changed for thousands of years. They are changed for a variety of reasons, but most importantly they are changed in order to ensure that they continue to serve the best interests of society and to address any problems or issues that have been identified with the existing laws.

Some laws may be updated to reflect changes in society or technology. Others may be changed to address issues or concerns that have risen since the act was first passed. Additionally, they may be changed as a result of court rulings or decisions made by government bodies, such as the legislative or executive branches. Furthermore, laws can change due to political reasons, as a result of the election of a new government or a change of political ideology.

An example of a new law for 2023 is jaywalking. The new act states that it is now legal to jaywalk as long as it is safe to do so. Another law that was changed was the one in regard to minimum wage. The new minimum wage in California is now $15.50 per hour. Lastly, drivers are now required to change into another available lane, when possible, to pass cyclists; this was built on the previous requirement for drivers to give cyclists at least three feet of space when passing. There are others that were not mentioned, but these are the most relevant updated laws. Sophomore Ethan Johnson said, “I didn’t know about the new laws” Johnson also stated “I like to ride my bike and I think that it’s good people are being more careful around us”