Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, starting with the sighting of the new moon. It lasts for 29 or 30 days, with fasting from dawn until sunset. In 2025, Ramadan will begin on February 28 and end on March 29. The fast is broken at sunset with a meal called “Iftar,” while the day begins with “Suhoor,” a pre-dawn meal. Iftar is a time for family and friends to gather and enjoy a meal after a long day of fasting, while Suhoor gives Muslims the energy to get through the day.
Many families invite friends and neighbors over to their house to eat together for Iftar. It’s a time for everyone to share a meal, bond, and celebrate the end of the day’s fast. It’s not just about food; it’s about community and reflection. During this time, Muslims fast from food, drinks, and other physical needs to focus on spiritual growth. The fast isn’t just about hunger; it’s about strengthening one’s relationship with God, being more disciplined, and increasing empathy for others. Eid al-Fitr, the celebration at the end of Ramadan, marks the breaking of the fast with a big meal and family gatherings.
Deema MohamedTaha, a sophomore who celebrates Ramadan, said, “Ramadan’s like hitting reset on everything like your body, mind, soul. I really love it and look forward to Ramadan every year.” Senior Demian Tapia said, “I don’t celebrate, but like I respect that for real.” Even students who don’t celebrate Ramadan respect its significance. Senior Valerie Sanchez shared, “It’s crazy to see how committed people are like, major discipline goals.” For senior AhmadBelal Habibi, it’s all about giving back. “It feels very nice especially when I spend time with family and friends I haven’t seen in a very long time,” he said. Sophomore Karissa Nelson added, “It sounds like a lot of work haha, I don’t think I would ever be able to do it” Senior Wade Selesnick concluded, “I’ve heard about Ramadan a couple of times. I guess it’s cool to see.”
Overall, Ramadan is more than just fasting—it’s about creating a deeper connection to faith, community, and gratitude.