Across campus, the staff and administration have begun to hand out raffle tickets to award any positive behavior among students. A student may earn these tickets by showing acts of kindness, picking up trash across campus, or by doing something that they think is an act of being a role model for other students.
These tickets can be cashed in a raffle box placed in the library. They choose various tickets every Friday during lunch in the main quad. Assistant Principal Ms. Patricia Myskowski announces them over a speaker with a mic, with booming music playing to set the fun atmosphere. To claim the prizes you win from being called you go to the main office. Those prizes include gift cards, vouchers to the ASB store, etc… They also repeat the winner of these tickets through the schoolwide speaker announcements and video announcements.
Lastly, they are going to have a big end of the year raffle with a big grand prize. Tickets are handed out every day and when asked about receiving his ticket, senior Angel Espinoza said, “I was given the ticket from a campus supervisor for picking up and throwing away trash that was on the floor.” Espinoza said, “I think what they are doing is great because it promotes students to be kind and considerate to others and the campus.” This shows that the initiative faculty is taking to promote positivity is working everyday, and students are starting to be motivated to be involved positively throughout campus.