Sports games are something that many students participate in, whether that be playing on the field or watching in the stands. The varsity girls’ tennis team has many players that are enthusiastic about their sport, as well as many fans. This Tuesday, October 1, they had a game against Oak Park at the Highlander tennis court at 3:00 p.m.
The games were split into six different matches, three singles and three doubles. One of the singles games was with player, senior Mia Beck, who has been playing tennis for six years. When asked what her favorite thing was about tennis, Beck said, “My favorite thing is the players and my teammates. I love them all and they’re all super nice,” Her game, although losing 6-0, made it clear that both of them were extremely good players, having a lot of rallies and good sportsmanship between the two players.
Coach Hixon has coached here for 17 years now and clearly loves the sport. When asked why he thought other people should join, Hixon responded, “Tennis is a sport you can play until you’re eighty. Tennis is a sport you can play past high school. A lot of times, like for football players, their last game playing football ever is here in high school. It’s hard to get 11 guys, 22 guys together and play,” When asked his favorite thing about the sport, Hixon said, “Favorite thing about tennis is that there is a lot of mental, there’s a lot of physical, there’s a lot of focus. Some people think it’s easy to just smack a tennis ball. I think there’s a lot of skill involved, both mentally and physically. That’s good for anybody who plays it.”
Although they didn’t win, they clearly all enjoyed spending time with each other and playing the sport. Everyone did great, despite the other team winning, and never once complained or showed any bad spirit. If anyone is considering joining the team, then they will be able to make a lot of new friends and have fun, encouraging future wins for The Kingdom.