On Tuesday, September 17, in Mrs. Malone’s room (6-25), The Big Lil Siblings Club had it’s first ever meeting. The room was filled with students from all grade levels, enjoying cookies and chips provided from the club leaders. This club is founded by juniors, Ivy Roessell and Mary Quezada, with their social media chair being Kennedy Green. It can be said with full certainty that this club’s start was a raging success, and is set up for a fantastic year.
The Big Lil Siblings Club is a freshly new club brought to the Kingdom this year. This influential club is designed to allow people of all grade levels to interact in between meetings and to host events to encourage friendships between all the ages in high school. This is crucial in a high school journey as it will only flourish a student’s experience to build core memories with friendships that benefit who you are.
When asked about the importance behind this club, Co-President Quezada shared, “This is one of the best clubs on campus because we are very inclusive and we have a lot of fun,” showing the enthusiasm this club has to share. When asked about the first meeting, Co-President Roessell said, “I think the first meeting went amazing and I was really happy about it,” further sharing, “I think this club will be a great success and will hopefully go on for a long time.” It is only right to support this club and it’s efforts to unite the Highlanders at this school. If you would like to join this club, meetings are every other Tuesday in Mrs. Malone’s classroom (6-25), and follow their Instagram: @biglilroyal.