Highlander students are piling up the east lot. Many students are driving recklessly to leave the lot, not following traffic rules and making the line worse.
With the lack of knowledge around the parking lot, many students are leaving out of the side gate instead of the main gate. Senior Jake Mols said, “To improve the traffic flow, they should add another gate.” Without many exits, this causes the traffic jam to build up from the end of the lot all the way to the very beginning of the lot. Another main factor of traffic, is that all the students leave out of the side exit. Overflowing the side exit is the main concern for traffic leaving the parking lot.
Additionally, after leaving the school, traffic builds up on Royal Avenue. This issue is from all the schools on Royal getting out at similar times. Senior Cade Norton said, “This build-up on Royal sucks when I’m trying to get to work. There are some days where I’m late to work because of the traffic.” Adding onto that many of the schools located on the street get out at the same time, the construction is a main concern on Royal Avenue as well. The city has done many construction projects throughout this year on Royal. The next one that is planned is in late May.
With these concerns, there are many ways of avoiding the traffic on Royal Avenue. One of the ways is taking Fitzgerald Road to First Street. This helps you avoid the crosswalks and has less lights than going on Royal Avenue.