On Friday, December 8, members of our dance team partnered up with some of our star athletes to perform and compete in a dance competition for the third year in a row. There were a variety of dances, each group each with their own theme, costumes, music mashup, and choreography. Some of these dances were duos, containing one dancer and one star, and others were group dances that included multiple members of the dance team and multiple stars. These dances were judged in five different categories. These categories included best theme, crowd pleaser, best choreography, most entertaining, and best costumes. The students prepared through lots of morning training and by practicing their choreography with their partner/group.
One of our teachers, and competition judge Mr. Kevin Habroun said, “It was exciting to see students show off their skills outside of an academic setting.”
Junior Sofia Bullard, a dancer in a performance said, “My favorite part of the experience was getting to choreograph for my friends and spending time with them.” Bullard also said, “I would 100% recommend participating in Dancing with the Stars if you can. It is an incredible experience to combine non-dancers with dancers to make a cohesive unit.”