Auburn Lane is one of the best places to trick or treat on Halloween. Auburn Lane is located on the east side of town and is a round street that has about 30 houses total. Every house has big decorations and some activities to do during Halloween and even Christmas.
Freshman Bianca Rios said, “Not every town has a street like this but it is so nice that we do.” Even if you don’t trick or treat it is a cool place to visit if you want to admire some great Halloween decorations. It looks very festive and they even have a radio station to tune into for both holidays. All the houses go all out and have different themes. Many of the houses have very big animatronics and characters. Junior Kate Bragger said, “I never really see animatronics at people’s houses so it was actually really cool.”
Some of the characters are from movies such as Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloween, Hocus Pocus, and the Scream franchise. There is even one house who has a projector and plays a movie for people to see as they walk by. More people know Auburn Lane for their Christmas lights rather than their Halloween lights. During Christmas they have a house with a Santa for kids to visit. Last year they also had Makenna Koffee parked in the front of the street on some days of late December. If you happen to be nearby it will be worth your time to take a visit.