It’s a common tradition in October for people to consume all kinds of horror related media, whether that be movies, TV shows, books or video games and our students are no exception. Let us see what they will watch (or read or play), have recently watched (or read or played) and what some of their favorites are. Jordan Hernandez, a senior said, “The Saw series has always been my favorite with its practical effects and gore. The human body can be considered horror in its own ways with using its aspects in gore and gruesome moments.” Hernandez also said that Saw 2 was his favorite in the franchise. Another senior named Ryan Siddiq said, “Evil Dead (2013) was a good movie to me because it was more than just jump scares. The plot was interesting and unpredictable. I also liked the ending.” Junior Mackenzie Lusk said, “American Horror Story is my favorite horror show because I love how each season has a different storyline/plot, but with a lot of the same actors. It also does a good job of being scary/suspenseful but not being too cliche or having too much of a predictable plot.” Finally Zoe Nazari, another senior, said, “Get Out, because it was very eerie and plot twisting.”
Additionally there is some upcoming horror media that people are also excited for, as well as horror media that people have recently seen. The Expository Reading and Writing teacher, Megan Favreau said, “The Exorcist (1973) was the first horror film my dad showed me on VHS as a kid. Last weekend, we saw The Exorcist: Believer (2023) in theaters together. It was cool to come full circle with him.” Senior Ian Cervantes a devout horror fan said, “I think Thanksgiving (2023) will be interesting. There are horror movies all about Halloween and Christmas, so a Thanksgiving one seems pretty unique.” Lusk also said that she was also excited for Thanksgiving (2023), coming out November 17, and additionally was hyped for the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie which is coming out October 27.