The library is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Throughout those hours Linda Rodriguez and Debbie Mackey work very efficiently to provide a safe and welcoming space to all students. Students may come to the library for computer difficulties, tutoring, research books, project books, lost and found, free period, replacement ID cards, lockers, and just general help.
When inside the library students must follow basic rules such as, no eating, no cussing, no fighting, having their ID card ready when signing in, and being respectful. Mackey said, “The main thing is we want the library to be an inviting and opening place for everyone. Please respect the staff, area, and other students.”
Debbie Mackey has had eleven years of experience working in the RHS library, and Debbie Rodriguez has had two years of experience. They are both excited for the library to start the remodeling process. Mackey said, “We are excited to continue to update and modernize the building, and that includes, creating lounge seating for students, adding more tables with charging stations equipped to them so students aren’t going around looking for an outlet.” With the new improvements to the library students will have more accessible options to relax and work. Both Mackey and Rodriguez love helping and interacting with students to reach their goals.