Students had spirit the week from October 2-6 leading up to the big Homecoming football game and Homecoming dance. The week started off with Pajama Day. Campus Supervisor Christine Wiemero said, “Royal ASB is the place to get any Royal spirited pajamas.” That is where she got her pajamas from. Are any students sleepy? Well senior Trenton Shelton said, “Yes, because I fell asleep late driving from Palmdale and back.”
The second day was Toy Story themed. What are the students dressed up as? Well one Junior Maiya Vallejo said, “The alien from Toy story with my other friend is an alien as well.” Do any students like the movie Toy Story? Sophomores Solana Gomez and Natalie Nguyen agreed, “We actually love Toy Story and we both grew up watching it. Our favorite character is Jessie because she rocks those red boots.” Do you like Toy story?
The third day was Pink Day, nothing but pink shirts, shoes, skirts and pants were found on campus. That day was filled with many pink covered students. If you do not know where to find pink gear, where should you go? Freshman Riley Bejar said, “I got it from my dad’s closet.” Pink gear can even be stolen from your parents closet, no excuses for not dressing up! The cost of the pink gear? Freshman Jacquelyn Martinez said, “Soccer shirt free and bandana was $2.00 from Party City.”
The fourth day was Neverland Day. Who did the students dress up as? Junior Rabecca Turabaz said, “Captain Hook is the girl version, he really suits my personality.” The day saw many pirates, fairies, Tinkerbells, Wendy’s, Lost Boys and Peter Pan’s. Is Neverland a place to visit? Juniors Serena Jetely and Mack Lusk agreed, “Yes if we can leave but if we can’t leave then no,” The two junior’s plans in Neverland were to, “fly around with Tinker Bell and see the waterfalls with the beautiful mermaids.” Doesn’t that sound like a lot of pixie dust?
The last magical day of the week was Magical Kingdom. Students had the opportunity to dress up as different lands according to their grade. Freshmen were Toon Town Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto and Goofy. Sophomores were Adventureland dressed up as the jungle, safari and Indiana Jones. Juniors were Tomorrowland dressed up as Star Wars and aliens. Last but not least the seniors had Frontierland dressing up as cowboys and explorers. Did the students agree with the land they were given? Junior Kylie Landaker said, “I think the idea of the lands were super cute, although it was hard for a lot of participants because it required having to buy so much for the costume. I had fun dressing up all week and for my class but I think they should’ve been switched around, the seniors being the classic Disney would’ve made more sense as they are older and maybe even giving the Adventureland to the freshmen as they are “adventuring” and navigating high school.”
Are the students excited for homecoming? Senior Rosalynd Valenzuela said, “I’m excited for homecoming because I get to hangout and have fun with friends since it’s my last year. I’m excited to go for one last night and to dance the night away.” Many other seniors agreed. As for the lower classes all agreed with the excitement they were filled for the homecoming dance on Saturday, October 7. This Homecoming spirit week was filled with so much Royal spirit, here is to Homecoming 2023!