Traveling in harmony

Katey Cochran

The beautiful scenery of San Francisco.

On April 12, members of our choirs and band started off on their journey to San Francisco to attend a big choral and band festival. The point of this festival is to bring high schools all across California to have them be adjudicated. An adjudicator gives points to each group based on a scale that ranges depending on the category. Groups are judged on things like music choice, blending, mature sound, tone, and intonation. The only way you can win the entire festival besides high scores is by having both choir and band attending. Our school ended up winning! Choral Director Ms. Spielman said, “I’m really proud of our groups, you all worked really hard, it was so great to bring home the win.”

However, this trip was not only about winning, that was just the start of it. The trip lasted a total of five days, after the festival on Friday the remaining days were exploration days for the students. Students got to see downtown San Francisco, the golden gate bridge, and even got to see the theme park Great America. Senior choral student Katey Cochran said, “It was really cool to see San Francisco because I’ve never been there before. It was pretty crowded but I had a great time with my friends overall.”