Winter Formal spirit week
To get students pumped up for the Winter Formal Dance on Saturday January 28, the leadership and ASB decided to put together a fun dress-up week prior to the dance. The week commenced with Flannel Day on Monday, January 23, where students could wear their soft, cozy, and colorful flannels.
On Tuesday was Crocs vs. Flops where students could finally settle the ongoing debate, students wore either their comfy crocs or their slip-on flip flops. Wednesday was Zoom meeting day where students wore their best impression of what they wore while school was virtual last year. Many students wore regular clothes, some even wearing their pajama pants to school. Thursday’s theme was students using Anything but a Backpack which is just as it sounds, students used their creativity to put their books in something other than their backpack. Some students brought coolers, suitcases, tote bags, strollers, boxes, laundry baskets, pots, and even dog crates. Friday was Snowed In Day where students could deck out on their snow gear like their beanies, puffy sweaters, or ski gear, students also had the choice to wear white. It was a fun week for all!