Your first job 101

Little Caesars employee and former Royal High School student Jose Esparaza hard at work.
First jobs are exciting for many reasons, it means you’re one step closer to becoming an adult, you start working for your own money, and you’re open to many different choices on what you most like. First jobs can be overwhelming with getting everything you need ready, so we’re here to help. Here’s some start-off advice on where to begin and what you should know.
For starters, it doesn’t matter what age you start working, many get their first official jobs in high school, and many wait until high school is over. Secondly, you can choose to work during school or during summer break. Both need different work permits and have different requirements to apply. If you are under 18, you need a work permit. The third step you need to know is whether you meet the requirement of our school regarding grades and attendance, you can go on our school website, and search for work permits, it tells you what to do so you can see if you meet them. Working is a privilege, not a right.
If you meet the requirements, it’s time to see what jobs you’re interested in. There are so many options, but some common first jobs are fast food or retail. Many people choose these because it’s a good start. They teach you how to work fast and teach you basic customer service. “I applied at McDonald’s for self-improvement and my family, I felt like I was missing out because most people my age had jobs and I didn’t, I needed something to do with my life,” junior Diana Negrete said. Negrete is one of the many people whose first job is in fast food. She explained how many teenagers feel about wanting to start working.
Many people feel as if it is something they need to do, but it isn’t, first jobs are a lot of work sometimes if you’re still in school and can be stressful at times, that’s why you should always make sure you’re ready for that big step in your life. Lastly, after you’ve completed all of that, make sure to look through the description of the job, the benefits they offer, and the pay if that’s something important to you. Our state of California’s minimum wage is $15 for 26 or more employees, but $14 for less than 26 employees. This can be anywhere from that price, and higher is of course always better. If you have any more in-depth questions make sure to stop by the Work Experience Office.