Seniors are you ready to finish this year off strong? Well, here is what some seniors have planned for the second semester and what they are looking forward to the most. Senior Joseph Soto said, “I’m looking forward to grad night because I think it would be fun to spend with my friends at Universal.” Senior Hector Martinez said, “I’m looking forward to graduating.” Another Senior Jose Martinez said, “I’m looking forward to graduating, prom and being able to spend these last months with my friends.” Sounds like these seniors are starting this second semester with good spirit. What does the rest of the campus have planned for the second semester and look forward to for events? Freshman Jimmy Veronica said, “Spirit weeks because the spirit weeks have all been fun.” Junior Dani Rodriquez said, “I like to continue to push myself and keep all my grades up.” Supervisor Tera Burton said, “Continue to keep the students on track.” Sophomore Deven Wooten said, “I’m looking forward to senior hug day because I’m friends with so many seniors and I like to be social and loving.” Junior Amy Canche said, “To be more independent, I’m looking forward to my last year of high school.”
Do Highlanders have any resolutions they want to fulfill in 2024? Well, freshman Issac Ramirez said, “To get fit, to spend more time with family and get good grades.” Para educator Erin McCamy said, “To stop pleasing people, to be true to myself, to get healthier, to take more time for myself.” Senior GiAnnie Banuelos said, “I want to stay consistent in the gym, get my license and get closer to God.”
Do our teachers have any new plans for the new year? Math teacher Emily Lewis said, “We are trying tables instead of rows this semester, creating more positive connections with students is the main goal.” Science teacher Concetta Langford said, “I’m teaching second semester chemistry so we are going to continue building on the concepts we learned in the first semester so we will cover things like balancing equations and calculating moles and stoichiometry.” Math and science teacher Tracy Masich said, “Focus more to make sure kids are ready for college and to make sure they are taking all the right classes because SAI usually can’t transfer to a four year college after they graduate from high school.” Study Skills teacher Christina Rocco said, “Nothing new just trying to get my seniors to all graduate on time.”
What about our administrators? What can we expect from the main office? Principal Michael Hall said, “A lot of the same.” Assistant Principal Reina Zapata said, “To help you be a stronger student we are offering tutoring in the library everyday during lunch and after school. We encourage you to talk to your teachers if you need to. You can do that in person or email. Counselors will be meeting with underclassmen for next semester’s school year’s class request, so start thinking of the classes you want to take.”
Back to the campus, what is something that the Highlanders want to change from last year or want to work on this year? Senior Elijah Serrano said, “I want to become a better person and grow from the first semester. I want to change my attitude towards life.” Freshman Riley Bullard said, “I want to get good grades in bio and I want to travel more than I did last year and see new places.” Senior Nadia Merdos said, “I no longer want to procrastinate and to study harder for these upcoming months and be a nicer person.” Paraeducator Micheal George said, “I want to work on improving myself and my job, I want to work on showing my loved ones gratitude. I want to improve my writing skills and I want to work on not judging others.” Freshman Katrina Tucker said, “To finish the second semester with all A’s and be on time to class.” Sounds like the Highlanders are prepared and ready for what ever 2024 has instore for them. Have a great new year Highlanders! Keep it pushing!