On Thursday, January 25, the College and Career Counselor Ms. Laura Cuneo held the “I applied” event in front of the 7 building. This event was one of the many throughout the year that were related to getting students into college. However unlike previous events that were meant to get people ready for college, this one was meant to celebrate seniors who had already applied to college, trade school or the military. Cuneo had a table set up with stickers, candy, pins, markers and paper with “I applied to” printed on them. Students could write on the paper what places they applied to and then take a photo in front of the green party streamers. There were also signs with “College bound”, “I Applied” and various other phrases that students could take photos with. Many students went to the table throughout lunch and Cuneo was busy talking with many different students.
One senior who attended the event, Jackson Silva said, “I think it’s great that people get recognition for the application process and that it takes a lot of courage to even apply.” Cuneo herself said, that “I think the ‘I Applied’ event went great, thanks for asking! It was awesome seeing so many seniors wanting to come out there to celebrate their successes and future plans! Our goal is for every senior to have a plan for life after graduation, and every plan should be celebrated!” As the year approaches its end this event can serve not only as a celebration but also as a reminder for seniors to think about their lives past high school.

(Jakob Jarrin)