Interested in earning a leadership seal? Want to better your community? The Ronald Reagan Citizen-Scholar Institute Kick Off Event was on Thursday, September 7. Hosted in the Ronald Regan library at 6:30 p.m., this event was an informational meeting for anyone interested in completing a CSI Project and this unique diploma seal. Here is everything you need to know if you are interested in this year’s diploma seal program!
The CSI program is an opportunity for students to “make the world just a little bit better” by completing a series of requirements and building civic knowledge and political engagement skills. Acquiring a seal makes you a leader and allows you to serve your community and problems greater than your own. You will also grow your leadership, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. Linda Lupica, RLC and Operating Manager at the Ronald Reagan Library encourages kids to, “take the opportunity to try something new and to learn leadership skills that will take you far.”
To complete the CSI Seal requirements you will need to execute a project that will benefit your community, secure an adult mentor to supervise you, join RHS PTA, and attend eight Brown Bag Lunches throughout the school year. Also, all participants should complete their history classes during the school year, not summer school, and be involved in their school through leadership and or club.
Stephanie Russo, a former Royal student and Diploma Seal Recipient, believes the Reagan Diplomacy Seal is, “an amazing program and everyone should do it. If you are passionate about your community then it will push you to complete a project because you’ll never know where it will take you and it should be enjoyable and interesting to you.” If you have any further questions or would like to follow up with this program, please contact teachers Mr. John Downey or Mr. Brian Dennert.