AFJROTC is our military program that leans towards citizenship, teaching students different roles for the US military, and helping them learn to be the best they can be as a person. Master Sergeant Johnson is the one who runs the program, it is his third year at our school. Lieutenant Colonel Ian Fryman and is on his second year with the program. Fryman said, “Air Force Junior ROTC is fundamentally a citizenship program.”
Some of the activities students do include color guard, rifle spinning, AF flight training simulations, drone flying, and rocket shooting. This program takes trips to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and have the opportunity to meet important people from the US military.
Junior Jonatan Evans said, “It gives many good experiences on how to be a leader and may help with what the workspace might look like when you get a job with the corps.” The biggest achievement students may attempt to obtain is a private plane license. Students in the program are very welcoming, and show it by throwing parties for newcomers and do their best to help their city. They do tons of community and volunteer work.
On Monday, September 11, our AFJROTC is honoring those from the tragic event that occured on September 11, 2001 with a remembrance ceremony in the front west parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Their first big event, military appreciation night, takes place in September 14 in the stadium.