Comparing online to in-person schooling

Student logging into Mr. Boerem’s zoom AP Gov class
At the beginning of 2020, schools transitioned into online school through Zoom. Students were given the option to return to in-person classes in the spring of 2021, and fully emerged to in-person schooling for the year 2021-2022. Students on campus whether they preferred online school or in-person school.
Senior Genaro De Leon, when asked about his preference between online and in-person, he said, “I liked in-person school much more because of how more connected everything felt compared to the unorganized way the online school was.” Online school was very unorganized and even unpleasant, at the least it was a difficult transition for teachers and students. DeLeon said, “I didn’t like online school because of how unmotivating it was becoming for me to join a Zoom call.” Online school, since it was so new in 2020, was quite a transition. Another senior, Isabel Martinez, said, “In person, although it sucks waking up early, it’s nice to see all my friends and not be home all day.” One who was at home during Zoom can feel unmotivated and even overwhelmed. Martinez said, “I kinda miss in-person school because I couldn’t see my friends, there were no school dances, and choir online was really difficult.” Luckily students are back on campus, hopefully for the foreseeable future, and everyone can get back to a healthy work ethic while spending time with their friends. |