During 4th period on Friday, February 2, students and staff gathered around inside the gymnasium for the winter rally. This was held one day prior to Winter Formal. During the rally students and staff all sat and watched the amazing performances of lots of different extracurricular classes. The classes that performed were band, ROTC, choir, cheer, color guard, and dance. There were many different types of performances, students seemed to enjoy them all. “It was all pretty cool to watch and I liked the flag dancers and how creative the visuals were,” senior Nathaniel Miranda said.
Throughout the rally there were a variety of performances that students loved the most. “My favorite part was the sled race, and the basketball because it looked so fun to do,” senior Miguel Cotto said. While some students preferred the sled race and basketball part of the rally, other students like Lilly EastBourne said, “I loved all the performances that went on the entire rally, it was amazing!”
Students who attended the winter rally were mixed on who was going to the Winter Formal on Saturday and who was not. Junior Reese Dugar said, “Yes I went to the Winter Formal, and I went because I love dressing up and getting all pretty and dancing with my friends.” Whereas some students like senior Jesus Nunez said, “I didn’t go to Winter Formal because I had to go to work.” Overall the rally was an amazing way to kick off before the Winter Formal and was loved by so many students.