2022 homecoming spirit week

Assistant Principal Ms. Myszkowski with students decked out in neon for Neon Day.
We welcomed new and “old” spirit days for homecoming week, September 27-30. This year we started off on a Tuesday which was Color Block Day. Freshman wore yellow, sophomores green, juniors white, and seniors black. Wednesday fun new spirit day, “Little Miss and Mr/MX.” Students wore shirts that went well with their personality, such as “Little Miss cries when mad” or “Little Mr. is always right.” This trend was popular since August, and it was definitely a fun one. Thursday was “Bikers vs Surfers.” Students had to choose which side they wanted. We saw many of each. Many had Hawaiian shirts, and others has leather jackets and boots. Lastly, Friday was Neon Day, which was our theme for our Homecoming Dance this year.
We also had our Homecoming Rally in the gymnasium on Friday. The whole gym was filled with neon. “This year’s spirit week was fun, can’t wait to see what next year is,” said junior, Trinity Nguyen. Students are looking forward to the next spirit week.