As a senior, keeping up with all your emails can be difficult. To make sure all important information about this year’s Prom and Senior Grad Night was distributed, counselors gathered all seniors into the MPR on Friday January 10, during 4th period classes, at 11:20 am. Senior Neo Almario said, “I didn’t know about the event until the last second and was told to leave my 4th period and head to the MPR.” Counselors discussed Class of 2025’s graduation and rehearsals to make sure everything is organized and clear to students.
After all, seniors were given tutorials on how to purchase graduation gowns and caps, everyone was told to go over to the outside bleachers and sit. The senior photo taken will be plastered all over the Royal Instagram and yearbook, to represent the memories the class of 2025 is making. Senior Aidan Arredondo said, “My friends and I climbed all the way to the top of the bleachers to sit and take the photo.” Once all the seniors were seated, the teacher of the newspaper Mr. Adam Lev captured a photo of everyone having a seat and smiling. Senior Wade Selesnick said, “Overall the meeting inside was super informative, the sun was beaming but the photo was still fun to participate in.”