Bullying prevention

Contrary to popular belief, bullying is not just encapsulated by being shoved into a trash can or pushed into a locker. Bullying, especially in the modern-day ranges from verbal jokes to online posts, and physical approaches. It can be as discrete as mocking someone with a nickname, to spreading rumors resulting in physical action. Bullies can also range from a star athlete, or a student body president, to even a valedictorian.  Nowadays the average teenager can be seen as a bully, merely just by the way they act toward people they dislike. 

When found in a situation of being bullied, students are often told to talk to a parent, trusted adult, or mentor. Schools are plastered with “Anti Bullying” signs and warnings of what will happen if you are found hurting someone. However courageous these signs and notices are, when being a victim of bullying most students don’t have the opportunity to get help. This is a direct result of having little- to no power. When students report their bullying, they are often found being bullied for standing up for themselves.

Although, bullying is an impossible situation there are steps to decrease it. If a trusted bond is established students are more likely to be confident in themselves, and their friendships- which can result in bullying decreasing. As stated by the Greater Good Magazine, “Schools with a positive climate foster healthy development, while a negative school climate is associated with higher rates of student bullying, aggression, victimization, and feeling unsafe.”

Royal is taking steps to provide support for students in these tough times. Principal, Michael Hall, has implemented steps to take care of this issue. Students are welcomed every day at the gates by Hall and other administrators in an effort to establish friendly and trusting relationships. Staff members are also encouraged to greet students at the door to create a welcoming environment. From an administrator’s perspective, Hall says his door is always open for students to come in and seek help but he knows that is not always an option. He recommends for students “confide in a trusted adult, or teacher” “that is the first step”.

If you or anyone you know is dealing with bullying efforts it’s important to confide in someone you trust, to foster a safe environment before seeking greater help. There is always an open door for finding help, especially in the safe rooms of family, teachers, and our very own principal.